Thursday, December 10, 2009

Should someone be allowed euthanasia if they have a condition where their face turns crimson from blushing,?

which gives the appearance of laughing, resulting in them being beaten up and threatened almost every day by other people who think they are laughing at them.Should someone be allowed euthanasia if they have a condition where their face turns crimson from blushing,?
Frankly, I don't care. I mean, hey, suicide isn't the answer for me but maybe it is for you. People that pose this type of straw man to argue against euthenasia are free to euthenize themselves if they think it's a good idea. I suspect most people with the option of euthenasia would use it responsibly and those that don't really aren't a risk to ME or anybody else - only they suffer.Should someone be allowed euthanasia if they have a condition where their face turns crimson from blushing,?
Blushing red isn't necessarily laughing at anybody. It could be your blood pressure, bashfulness, or just natural that you turn florid.

Who is that interprets that you are laughing at them. It's their problem not yours. But you have to defend yourself and explain to them that you are not laughing at them. Euthanasia is definately not required.
There are medical solutions to blushing problems if its so bad that the person considers euthanasia. Deciding to die over it is a bit extreme, they should at least have counselling.

It sounds like there are other problems here though, since when does blushing make you look like you are laughing at people? This is weird.

Also an able bodied person always has the option of suicide, they don't need help with dying - i.e euthanasia.
Euthanasia isn't even morally right, so any reason for murdering a person who is helpless for their condition should be outlawed.

(Hello! When you are old do you want your kids to kill you because they don't want to pay money to take care of you? Just saying for those who think euthanansia is ok.)
No. Just, no.

Euthanasia is a serious emotional process,and should only be allowed in very -serious- conditions. Like disabled (mental or physically) not to do with blushing.
No, they should probably just wear makeup or try some medication that stops the blood vessels in the face from dilating.
I would say that euthanasia should only be used in special circumstances, like idiocy.
No, sorry. That's not a legitimate reason.

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